Main Content

- A: Abbreviations
- B: International Organizations and Groups
- C: Selected International Environmental Agreements
- D: Cross-Reference List of Country Data Codes
- E: Cross-Reference List of Hydrographic Data Codes
- F: Cross-Reference List of Geographic Names
- G: Weights and Measures
- H: Strategic Materials
- T: Terrorist Organizations
- FAQs
References ::
Guide to Country Profiles
These are the Categories, Fields, and subfields of information generally recorded for each country. Links are to the Definitions and Notes about each entry.

totallandwatertotalborder countriesregional bordersterritorial seaexclusive economic zonecontiguous zonecontinental shelfexclusive fishing zonemean elevationlowest pointhighest pointagricultural landagricultural land: arable landagricultural land: permanent cropsagricultural land: permanent pastureforestotherparty tosigned, but not ratified
People and Society::
nounadjective0-14 years15-24 years25-54 years55-64 years65 years and overtotal dependency ratioyouth dependency ratioelderly dependency ratiopotential support ratiototalmalefemaleurban populationrate of urbanizationat birth0-14 years15-24 years25-54 years55-64 years65 years and overtotal populationtotalmalefemaletotal populationmalefemaleimproved: urbanimproved: ruralimproved: totalunimproved: urbanunimproved: ruralunimproved: totalimproved: urbanimproved: ruralimproved: totalunimproved: urbanunimproved: ruralunimproved: totaldegree of riskfood or waterborne diseasesvectorborne diseaseswater contact diseasesanimal contact diseasesrespiratory diseasessoil contact diseasesaerosolized dust or soil contact diseasesdefinitiontotal populationmalefemaletotalmalefemaletotalmalefemale
conventional long formconventional short formlocal long formlocal short formformerabbreviationetymologynamegeographic coordinatestime differencedaylight saving timecapitalhistoryamendmentscitizenship by birthcitizenship by descent onlydual citizenship recognizedresidency requirement for naturalizationchief of statehead of governmentcabinetelections/appointmentselection resultshead of statedescriptionelectionselection resultshighest courtsjudge selection and term of officesubordinate courtschief of missionchancerytelephoneFAXconsulate(s) generalconsulate(s)embassyhonorary consulate(s)chief of missiontelephoneembassymailing addressFAXconsulate(s) generalbranch office(s)consulate(s)namelyrics/music
Fitch ratingMoody's ratingStandard & Poors ratingGDP (Purchasing Power Parity) - Realagricultureindustryserviceshousehold consumptiongovernment consumptioninvestment in fixed capitalinvestment in inventoriesexports of goods and servicesimports of goods and servicesOverall Ease of Doing Business scoreStarting a Business scoreTrading Across Borders scoreEnforcing Contracts scoreagricultureindustryservicesindustry and servicesmanufacturingconstructioncommerceother serviceslowest 10%highest 10%revenuesexpenditures
population without electricityelectrification - total populationelectrification - urban areaselectrification - rural areas
total subscriptionssubscriptions per 100 inhabitantstotal subscriptionssubscriptions per 100 inhabitantsgeneral assessmentdomesticinternationaltotalpercent of populationtotalsubscriptions per 100 inhabitants
number of registered air carriersinventory of registered aircraft operated by air carriersannual passenger traffic on registered air carriersannual freight traffic on registered air carrierstotaltotalover 3,047 m2,438 to 3,047 m1,524 to 2,437 m914 to 1,523 munder 914 mtotalover 3,047 m2,438 to 3,047 m1,524 to 2,437 m914 to 1,523 munder 914 mtotalstandard gaugenarrow gaugebroad gaugedual gaugetotalpavedunpavedurbannon-urbantotalby typemajor seaport(s)oil terminal(s)container port(s) (TEUs)lake port(s)LNG terminal(s) (export)LNG terminal(s) (import)river port(s)dry bulk cargo port(s)bulk cargo port(s)
Military and Security::
Terrorist group(s)
Transnational Issues::
refugees (country of origin)IDPsstateless personscurrent situationtier rating